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World Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Dr. Rose Ann Schwab |
How did you sharpen your skills in psychic abilities? To sharpen your skills in psychic abilities and fine tune them, it takes the use of these abilities and gifts everyday along with daily exercises that are specifically targeted to help in strengthening them. Do you believe that anyone can obtain the gift of ESP and paranormal powers or were you born with it? We are each born with God/Creator given gifts and abilities. It is if we choose to develop them or not is our decision, but as we progress so do these abilities whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. When we choose to develop them it is important to develop them with understanding, responsibility and wisdom. In this way we advance all three areas that are connected to these abilities that include not only the psychic but spirituality and creativity as well.
How do you differ from others who say that they have psychic abilities? We all have special and unique ways that our gifts work. No two individuals use their abilities in the same manner. The psychic abilities are also connected to your beliefs, your advancement spiritually and your own value system. When using my gifts and abilities I always try to have high integrity, honesty and yes ethics. This was what my own parents taught me, that we can be identified in life by how we live it. As we live life our gifts and abilities strengthen when we are walking in the path of light and walk the path not just in words but in actions. How we choose to use these abilities will define us, whether we use them to harm someone or to help someone. Each time whether used for good or bad the old saying was 3X3 but in actuality it is 10X10 that good or bad will come back to you for your actions and choices that you make. What are some of the struggles you encounter in your field? Being psychic is not easy, but in life in general individuals who chose to use their gifts and abilities in business or life are all grouped together and put into the same small box. Individuals do not understand that each person is gifted and can give accurate information, but sometimes due to financial situations in the need to earn money or the pressures of being on top individual psychics can and will make up information to fill in when they are not picking up information or is running into blockage themselves. Each one of us is unique and special in our own way but we can also become blocked due to stress, health, or pressures of everyday life. There are so many individuals who have decided to make a living out of using their psychic abilities, it is hard not to find a huge amount of competition in this field as in any field that can be used to further individuals in life, career or a business. When the individual psychic gets so wrapped up in competition, throwing their values, ethics and integrity out the window then it becomes the norm for their life adding to blockages that can affect their God given abilities. There is enough pressure on psychics and in accuracy without this. I find another problem is that because of those who become scammers or frauds in the use of their psychic abilities that are a gift from God, it has led to the words “psychic” or “psychics” to have a bad reputation or connection in the use of this word. People tend to stay clear of individuals who are giving psychic information when their very own psychic abilities, intuition or gut instinct kicks into full gear. The other thing I really find distasteful, is a psychic that lies, that tells the individual that all bad things or negative things are going to happen to them if they don’t come back to just them, or the worst of all threatening and pressuring individuals whom they scam or con.
Is it possible for me to develop psychic abilities? We are all born with these abilities, yes you can develop them and strengthen them through actual exercises and use done by yourself. Each one of us has the same psychic abilities. Some are stronger than others. The more you use them, exercising them using them correctly in the light, is when you can advance to higher levels and abilities. If I’ve ever had dreams that seemed to predict the future, could I hone in on that ability somehow? We all have the ability to see the future along with future events. As I tell my clients and classes, it is important to have a piece of paper next to your bedside with a pen. During the night after having this dream, jot down a couple of sentences to jog your memory for the next day. Then the next day remember by reflecting back into your dreams or visions of the night before. Write down everything you remember. As you do this, you will then strengthen your gifts, but also strengthen your memory bringing you to complete focus of details. Is there a way to focus brain energy or concentrate before bed to be able to remember those kinds of dreams and recognize them? I always tell my clients and classes to give yourself a command to remember at night before going to bed while doing your mediations. Remember to let it gently happen for you. If you try to force it, or push it, you will become blocked and not be able to see anything causing you to become frustrated and angry, blocking you even more. because these are negative emotions. Psychic abilities are connected to the light and the power of light. Anything dark or negative causes blockages that have to be removed. These blockage or negativity can only be removed by you. Some psychics say they can remove them for you. This is not true. They can however help to clear the auras or chakras with information from them of exercises you can do yourself for you to find your trigger or blockage. Each person is responsible for their own advancement. What was your first vision? The first vision I had was at the age of 6 of a little 2-3 year old that had been lost. The police and the parents were searching everywhere. I had been given visions from God and guidance from the angels of where she was. I was able to help in the little lost girl being found. Have your psychic readings ever revealed something that was not known previously? In my different cases or situations in my readings throughout my life I have always given not just information that is confirmed by people but actual facts or information that when research or an investigation was done. It revealed information that were actual facts and unknown by the individual that the reading was done on and confirmed by follow through on this information that had been given.
Why/how do some spirits haunt houses? Spirits walk the earth and can be seen on different dimensions and planes along with our own. Some spirits haunt a house or place because of a traumatic situation that had occurred in their life at the spot or house. Sometimes the haunting is connected to the land itself, not just the house. Many times there is unrest due to the spirit not accepting that they are dead, due to a traumatic or horrific situation that occurred in their life. Sometimes the land can be haunted by a spirit because that is where they died, or they body rests as well. It was well known and documented in the past that many families had their own cemetery or family burial plots on the property. The Native American’s in burial of their people for centuries also believe that this land is sacred and it is honored with respect. How did you sharpen your skills in psychic abilities? To sharpen your skills in psychic abilities and fine tune them, it takes the use of these abilities and gifts everyday along with daily exercises that are specifically targeted to help in strengthening them. Do you believe that anyone can obtain the gift of ESP and paranormal powers or were you born with it? We are each born with God/Creator given gifts and abilities. It is if we choose to develop them or not is our decision, but as we progress so do these abilities whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. When we choose to develop them it is important to develop them with understanding, responsibility and wisdom. In this way we advance all three areas that are connected to these abilities that include not only the psychic but spirituality and creativity as well.
How do you differ from others who say that they have psychic abilities? We all have special and unique ways that our gifts work. No two individuals use their abilities in the same manner. The psychic abilities are also connected to your beliefs, your advancement spiritually and your own value system. When using my gifts and abilities I always try to have high integrity, honesty and yes ethics. This was what my own parents taught me, that we can be identified in life by how we live it. As we live life our gifts and abilities strengthen when we are walking in the path of light and walk the path not just in words but in actions. How we choose to use these abilities will define us, whether we use them to harm someone or to help someone. Each time whether used for good or bad the old saying was 3X3 but in actuality it is 10X10 that good or bad will come back to you for your actions and choices that you make. What are some of the struggles you encounter in your field? Being psychic is not easy, but in life in general individuals who chose to use their gifts and abilities in business or life are all grouped together and put into the same small box. Individuals do not understand that each person is gifted and can give accurate information, but sometimes due to financial situations in the need to earn money or the pressures of being on top individual psychics can and will make up information to fill in when they are not picking up information or is running into blockage themselves. Each one of us is unique and special in our own way but we can also become blocked due to stress, health, or pressures of everyday life. There are so many individuals who have decided to make a living out of using their psychic abilities, it is hard not to find a huge amount of competition in this field as in any field that can be used to further individuals in life, career or a business. When the individual psychic gets so wrapped up in competition, throwing their values, ethics and integrity out the window then it becomes the norm for their life adding to blockages that can affect their God given abilities. There is enough pressure on psychics and in accuracy without this. I find another problem is that because of those who become scammers or frauds in the use of their psychic abilities that are a gift from God, it has led to the words “psychic” or “psychics” to have a bad reputation or connection in the use of this word. People tend to stay clear of individuals who are giving psychic information when their very own psychic abilities, intuition or gut instinct kicks into full gear. The other thing I really find distasteful, is a psychic that lies, that tells the individual that all bad things or negative things are going to happen to them if they don’t come back to just them, or the worst of all threatening and pressuring individuals whom they scam or con. Is it possible for me to develop psychic abilities? We are all born with these abilities, yes you can develop them and strengthen them through actual exercises and use done by yourself. Each one of us has the same psychic abilities. Some are stronger than others. The more you use them, exercising them using them correctly in the light, is when you can advance to higher levels and abilities. If I’ve ever had dreams that seemed to predict the future, could I hone in on that ability somehow? We all have the ability to see the future along with future events. As I tell my clients and classes, it is important to have a piece of paper next to your bedside with a pen. During the night after having this dream, jot down a couple of sentences to jog your memory for the next day. Then the next day remember by reflecting back into your dreams or visions of the night before. Write down everything you remember. As you do this, you will then strengthen your gifts, but also strengthen your memory bringing you to complete focus of details. Is there a way to focus brain energy or concentrate before bed to be able to remember those kinds of dreams and recognize them? I always tell my clients and classes to give yourself a command to remember at night before going to bed while doing your mediations. Remember to let it gently happen for you. If you try to force it, or push it, you will become blocked and not be able to see anything causing you to become frustrated and angry, blocking you even more. because these are negative emotions. Psychic abilities are connected to the light and the power of light. Anything dark or negative causes blockages that have to be removed. These blockage or negativity can only be removed by you. Some psychics say they can remove them for you. This is not true. They can however help to clear the auras or chakras with information from them of exercises you can do yourself for you to find your trigger or blockage. Each person is responsible for their own advancement. What was your first vision? The first vision I had was at the age of 6 of a little 2-3 year old that had been lost. The police and the parents were searching everywhere. I had been given visions from God and guidance from the angels of where she was. I was able to help in the little lost girl being found. Have your psychic readings ever revealed something that was not known previously? In my different cases or situations in my readings throughout my life I have always given not just information that is confirmed by people but actual facts or information that when research or an investigation was done. It revealed information that were actual facts and unknown by the individual that the reading was done on and confirmed by follow through on this information that had been given.
Why/how do some spirits haunt houses? Spirits walk the earth and can be seen on different dimensions and planes along with our own. Some spirits haunt a house or place because of a traumatic situation that had occurred in their life at the spot or house. Sometimes the haunting is connected to the land itself, not just the house. Many times there is unrest due to the spirit not accepting that they are dead, due to a traumatic or horrific situation that occurred in their life. Sometimes the land can be haunted by a spirit because that is where they died, or they body rests as well. It was well known and documented in the past that many families had their own cemetery or family burial plots on the property. The Native American’s in burial of their people for centuries also believe that this land is sacred and it is honored with respect.
In his Epistle, Nostradamus predicts that in the future the entire world will be flooded by the oceans. Do you see this event happening in the near future and, if so, do you think it could be the result of global climate change? How would you describe how you pick up your information about others to a non-psychic? Why do you believe you have these abilities? How often do you counsel/talk to people who are skeptical about your profession and are trying to trick you? Have I already met the love of my life, or have I yet to meet her? Are there certain people predisposed to psychic/paranormal abilities? If so, what kind? Can you tell us about our past lives? Can you see the spirits of our loved ones from past and present lives? If I have been having dreams that I did not know were going to happen, but have been coming true in the past few years, do I have psychic abilities? Can you see people's auras? If so, what color are our auras? At what age and how did her psychic abilities become prevalent? Are psychic abilities something one is born with, or could it be a learned skill? What is the most common psychic reading? (In other words, what is a typical "read" of someone, or is there no such thing.) Has there ever been a time where you were personally affected while reading someone else? How did you become involved in the paranormal originally? Did you feel a connection with it from an early age or did some sort of event or progression occur? How do things present themselves to you. Do answers or ideas simply pop into your head, are they spoken to you. How does this communication occur? Does it ever happen without prompting?
How did you know you where psychic? When did you know? How did you sharpen your skills, i.e. is there a college for psychics? What made you interested in reading the mind? How do you think psychics will develop in the upcoming years? Who was I in a former life? Who from the other side want to talk to me? How many professional psychics do you (Ms. Schwab) believe have legitimate psychic powers? Are there things you refused to say in readings or things you had to act on (i.e. call the police) about in your readings? When did you discover that you had psychic abilities, and how were you able to develop them? Have you ever been scared by the outcomes of a reading or a supernatural experience? Do you believe that anyone can obtain the gift of ESP and paranormal powers or were you born with it? How do you differ from others who say that they have psychic abilities? How did you learn that you were a psychic? How old were you when you discovered you had psychic abilities? What are some of the struggles you encounter in your field? Is it possible for me to develop psychic abilities? If so, how? How did you first realize that you had psychic abilities? If I've ever had dreams that seemed to predict the future, could I hone in on that ability somehow? Is there a way to focus brain energy or concentrate before bed to be able to remember those kinds of dreams and recognize them? When did you first realize when you were psychic? What was your first vision? My question for Rose Ann Schwab is can she tell me anything about my past lives? I am very curious about this. Does my grandpa have any messages for me? How can I hone in on my powers as a psychic? Have your psychic readings ever revealed something that was not known previously? Are there any paranormal occurrences that you do not believe in? How do ouija boards work? Why/how do some spirits haunt houses? Can you tell me any information about my personal life as a child, such as my parents' relationship? What do you foresee in my future? Success or failure? And will I be in the career field I now plan on studying or in something different?
STUDENT QUESTIONS: Did I make the right decision in moving to Minnesota?
Is my major right for me?
What kind of things do you see in your 'mind's eye' when you perform psychic feats?
How did you get involved in clairvoyance?
What do you say to skeptics who don't believe in clairvoyance?
On average, how many clients/visitors do you get per day or week? How do they respond to what you tell them?
Are some people easier to 'read' than others? Or does it not really matter?
How do you go about trying to convince skeptics of your abilities?
Have you ever been part of an experiment? As a psychic, what are you able to do?
What can you not do?
What makes you different from "normal" people?
What is the difference between predicting a person's future (which you can do) and predicting disasters or winning lottery numbers?
When did you start believing in the paranormal and when did you begin your career as a clairvoyant?
How did you know you were a psychic?
Have you ever used your psychic abilities to fight crime or win at gambling?
Am I living the life I am destined to live?
How will the human race come to its end (or the end of the world) and when?
Will I have a successful career path that I am happy in?
How did you discover your talents?
What's the coolest thing you've ever experienced as a result of your talents?
Is it easier for you to read some people than others. If yes, why do you think that is?
How did you come to realize you had these powers, and what made you want to really pursue and develop them?
Are your close friends and family skeptical of paranormal phenomena or do they believe in it for the most part?
At what time did you realize that you had special powers? Was it an non-explainable personal experience?